Youtube channel for talented people – Sachiya with Music

Youtube channel for talented people – Sachiya with Music

I am Sachintha Nirmal. I live in Ratnapura.

I am currently working in an insurance company in Sri Lanka.

Has little ability to play box guitar. You will soon see one of my videos on the channel soon.

I tell those who watch my videos to continue watching my videos.

If you have any musical skills, make a video of it and send it to us.

Show your talents to the world Sachiya With Music is ready.

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Watch the youtube channel Sachiya With Music. Clck here

Sachintha, what is “Sachiya With Music _ Sachi”?
“Sachiya with Music” is a channel that tries to bring out the hidden talents in Sri Lanka and show their talents to the world.

Why did you decide to start a YouTube channel?
I really created this channel for a passion in my heart.

When did the channel start?
The channel was launched on 2021.05.20

What kind of creations are included in the “Sachiya with Music – Sachi” channel?
The Sachiya with Music channel features backing vocals and songs by talented Sri Lankans.

How do I get feedback on a channel?
The channel is getting good response these days. A lot of people watch videos on my channel. They always encourage me.

Mention the people who support your YouTube channel.

There are a lot of people who support. When I had an idea to make a channel but I had no idea what to do with it, Lahiru Lakmal Ranasinha was the one who gave me the idea to find some talented musicians in Sri Lanka and show their talents through the channel. There he had a great desire to catch the eyes of the whole world audience for the talents of our country.

As for Lahiru lakmal, he is the bass guitarist of the Ratnapura Ayu Band. You can also watch his videos on my channel.

Actually when I started the channel I had no name to put on my channel and had no idea about it.

The channel was named after Lalith Gayan Nayanakantha who was actually the first subscriber to my channel. He causes a lot of changes in the channel. He is also the author of many videos. I would like to remind him of this time.

When the channel started, the response was really low. There were a lot of times that fell. Subscriptions began to decline.

There were days when I didn’t even have a day off. Everywhere I went I was encouraged by Janani Hansika Nawarathna to create the channel but she was the one who inspired me to create the channel and create the original logo of the channel.

Those three are the ones I especially remember. I have a lot of friends who put the link and status of every video I put on my channel and I remind those friends at this point.

I also remind the artists in the videos on my channel at this time. And I would like to remind all those who watch my videos and subscribe to me at this time.

What to say to the viewers of Sachiya With Music channel.
I tell those who watch my videos to continue watching my videos. If you have any musical skills, make a video of it and send it to us. Show your talents to the world Sachiya With Music is ready.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hmmm I am Sachintha Nirmal. I live in Ratnapura. I am currently working in an insurance company in Sri Lanka.
Has little ability to play box guitar. You will soon see one of my videos on the channel soon.

This article has been translated into Google Translate. So please note that sometimes incorrect words may be included.

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